Marymount Academys Annual Goals for Girls – Another Outstanding Success!

Despite the cold, the snow held off for staff and students of Marymount Academy as they wrapped up another successful Goals for Girls Ball Hockey tournament this past week. The Goals for Girls campaign is held to encourage young women to be physically active and to help them recognize and become involved in the many activities and opportunities available in their school and community. As well, this tournament is also a fundraiser in which monies raised are used to sponsor young women who cannot financially afford to play sports, to purchase fitness equipment and to provide financial support to other community schools and programs whose female programs are severely underfunded. This year, Marymount raised over $4200 to support this campaign which is almost a $1000 more than they collected last year.
Dan Bartolucci, program leader at Marymount Academy and organizer of the event felt very proud of the girls for their participation and show of school spirit. “It is great to see such student engagement and I am proud of their enthusiasm,” he said. “This tournament helps encourage the young women of this community to set their own personal goals and strive to achieve them.”