Sudbury Catholic District School Board
November 11, 2010

SCDSB Celebrates Employees

On November 2, 2010, Sudbury Catholic District School Board staff gathered together in the gym at Marymount Academy to take part in a new teacher and employee recognition celebration. New hirees were introduced and congratulated on their new positions and board employees that have reached yearly milestones were recognized for their dedication and service to the board. The evening began with a prayer service and ended with a social at which time the employees and administration had the opportunity to catch up with each other and congratulate one another on their commitment to the Sudbury Catholic community.

Years of service- 2010

Lucy Wardrop St. Charles Elementary 40
Angele Crepeau Education Centre 35
Patricia Condotta St. James School 35
Katherine Baldan St. Benedict Secondary 30
Angela Corelli St. James School 30
Linda Mackenzie St. Charles College 30
Michel Thibeault St. Benedict Secondary 30
Lise Anne Mc Elree St. Raphael School 20
Caroline Belanger St. James School 20
Cathy Boyer Bishop Carter Alexander 20
Ann Brisebois St. Albert Learning Centre 20
Francine Brouse Education Centre 20
Lise Callahan Marymount Academy 20
Daniel Charbonneau OECTA SECONDARY 20
Yves Cote Facilities Services 20
Alice Desormeaux St. Anne School 20
Richard Emond St. Charles College 20
Denise Fraser St. John School 20
Aline Gaulin St. Theresa School 20
Joseph Houle Facilities Services 20
Joyce Lachance-Charlebois St. Francis School 20
Lucie Lapalme-Cullen Marymount Academy 20
Paulette Melancon Bishop Carter Secondary 20
Jane Rodrigues St. Charles College 20
Lisa Samuels Education Centre 20
Paul Stevens St. Charles College 20
Brian Thompson St. Benedict Secondary 20
Cindy Watson St. Benedict Secondary 20
Michel Dubois Marymount Academy 15
Erin Duguay Immaculate Conception School 15
Victoria Lachapelle Education Centre 15
Lorraine Petryna St. Francis School 15
John Vautier Marymount Academy 15
Madeleine Albert St. Benedict Secondary 10
Beverley Belanger St. Charles College 10
Monique Blais St. Theresa 10
Dennica Burns Pius XII 10
Denise Filipovic St. Paul School 10
Rosemarie Hall St. Michael School 10
Tammy Jutila Marymount Academy 10
Ronald Leclair Education Centre 10
Christina Lucciantonio St. Raphael School 10
Guy Mathieu St. Anne School 10
Dario Pandolfo St. Anne School 10
Robert Pappin St. Benedict Secondary 10
Carlo Pastre St. Charles College 10
Laurie Peterson St. James School 10
Eva Scola-Lawryshyn Corpus Christi 10
Steven Villeneuve St. Benedict Secondary 10
Graziella Visentin St. Michael 10
Chad West St. Michael School 10
Brenda Barbe Pius XII School 5
Lisa-Anne Cameron St. Charles College 5
Melinda Charbonneau St. Raphael School 5
Jennifer Connelly Education Centre 5
Catherine Cormier St. Charles Elementary 5
Shannon Coyle St. Charles College 5
Liane Dutrisac St. Anne School 5
James Eaton St. Francis School 5
Steven Facchini Bishop Carter Secondary 5
Angela Fowke St. Raphael School 5
Jules Guenette St. Anne School 5
Camille Heaton Pius XII 5
Kristy Hebert St. Charles College 5
Timothy Kingshott St. Charles College 5
Kevin Krystia St. Raphael School 5
Lois Lambert St. Anne School 5
Shirle Landriault St. Charles College 5
Kelly-Anne Lavallee St. Benedict Secondary 5
Anne-Marie Machum St. James School 5
Caroline Mansourian St. David School 5
Jeannette Mazerolle St. Anne School 5
Jean McHarg Education Centre 5
Leo McLaughlin St. Francis School 5
Samantha Onuska St. Benedict Secondary 5
Ron Patterson St. Charles College 5
Gino Posteraro St. Benedict Secondary 5
Dyan Pyott St. Andrew School 5
Kaelne Ratushniak St. Michael School 5
Renee Read-Murray St. David School 5
Lissa Sanchioni St. Raphael School 5
Werner Scherzinger St. Charles College 5
Kristine Shewchuk St. Paul School 5
Patrizia Shewring Marymount Academy 5
Nanette Shonwise St. Anne School 5
Jennifer Swearengen St. James School 5
Harry Taskinen Marymount Academy 5
Gaston Theriault Education Centre 5
Tina Timpano St. David School 5
Serena Troscinski St. Paul School 5
Leanne Urso St. Francis School 5

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