Sudbury Catholic District School Board
April 09, 2010

SCDSB Students Take Part in Second Annual Aboriginal Youth Day

Students from the Sudbury Catholic District Board gathered at Tom Davies Square on April 9, 2010 to take part in the second annual Aboriginal Youth Education Day. During the day, the students had the opportunity to participate in workshops encompassing business, environment, health and education as well as listen to nationally renowned country singer Crystal Shawanda. Several community organizations including Laurentian University and the Greater Sudbury Police Services were on hand to answer questions and provide information to the students. Shelly Frappier, a teacher from St. Benedict felt that this event sent a strong message to the students that it is important for them to respect themselves and to be proud of their culture. “This gathering of community partners and supporters really showcases for the students the positive impact of the many contributions of First Nations People in the North.” said Frappier. “As well, it shows the students how important it is to set goals for themselves to achieve success in life.”

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