Sudbury Catholic District School Board
December 14, 2009

St. Mary Catholic Elementary Students Surprised by the Man in Red

The students and staff of St. Mary Catholic Elementary School waited patiently eating pizza knowing that someone special was on his way. Every year, the Capreol Knights of Columbus put on a pizza lunch for the students of the school and because of a special connection they have, were able to persuade Santa to take a break from his Christmas preparations and visit all of the kids of St. Mary. Representing the Knights of Columbus, Ken Gustafson – Treasurer, Fred Lowes – Secretary and Don Degagne – Grand Knight pulled some strings and were able to get Santa to show up at the school giving each student a chance to sit on his lap and receive a bag full of candy. Originally, the Knights gathered the children after Sunday mass at the local church but the Sunday mass was eliminated so they approached the schools a few years back to see if they could have the celebration there. The school was thrilled and have hosted the party ever since. All of the students from J.K. to Grade 6 waited anxiously in line for their chance to talk to Santa and tell him their wishes. “It is a really nice day.” said Degagne. “We feel it is important to support Catholic education in the community of Capreol and this is one way that we do this.” The students and staff of St. Mary would like to thank the Knights of Columbus for supporting their school and ask that they pass on their thanks to Santa as well!

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