Sudbury Catholic District School Board
December 01, 2009

Technology Integration Mentors Present “Technology in the 21st Century” to the District Regional Steering Committee

Two of our veteran Sudbury Catholic District School Board’s Technology Integration Mentors (T.I.M’s), Jennifer Connelly and Leann Houle-Laframboise were asked to present “Technology in the 21’st Century” to the District Regional Steering Committee on December 1, 2009. The Steering Committee is comprised of teams from all of the Northeastern Ontario School Boards. This group gathers together approximately two times a year to share best practices and often invite guest speakers to discuss current educational trends. Both Jennifer and Leann felt it was important to share Sudbury Catholic’s vision of the 21’st century learner and to showcase how our board is helping lead the way in this shift of focus.

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