St. Bernadette Catholic Elementary School CTV Luncheon/Fundraiser Phenomenal Success!

Over two hundred people filled the gym as the St. Bernadette staff and students came together to support one of it’s own. A few weeks ago, Ashley Dahlvik, the school’s Junior Kindergarten teacher approached Principal Nicole Snow with a fundraising idea. For the past nine years, Dahlvik has performed on the CTV telethon but this year she thought it would be a great idea to approached her school community for some support. They came up with an idea to hold a luncheon/fundraiser that could raise money for Dahlvik to present during the telethon. One of the student’s parents, John Cimino, who is also manager of the Caruso Club, decided to donate all of the food for the luncheon. “Its for a good cause.” stated Cimino. “It is also a good time to give especially when a lot of the community is struggling.” The school raised over $700 for Ms. Dahlvik to present at the telethon. “It is all about getting out Catholic school community involved in the Greater City of Sudbury Community. It is what we are called to do.” said Dahlvik. Father Al MacMillan from St. Raphael parish was on hand to say grace before the meal as well as Fred VaDerHooft, a Lion’s Club member who was also invited to take part in the celebration. Principal Nicole Snow was blown away by the participation of staff, students, parents, siblings, grandparents, and community members. “This is absolutely amazing!” stated Snow. “This shows a wonderful sense of community coming together for the children of Sudbury.” The staff and students sang Christmas carols and the grand finale included a performance from Ms. Dahlvik herself. A great luncheon was had by all!