Sudbury Catholic District School Board
November 27, 2009

Sudbury Catholic Board Implements Full Day Junior Kindergarten Programs in All Schools

It was a historic moment last evening as Trustees voted in favour of bringing full-day Kindergarten Programs to all of its elementary schools. The full day JK classes will begin next Fall. The Sudbury Catholic District School Board is the first English school system in Greater Sudbury to offer full-day junior kindergarten.

The decision comes less than a month after Dr. Charles Pascal released his report on early childhood learning commissioned by Ontario Premier Dalton McGuinty. The report called on the government to introduce full-day JK for four and five-year-olds. The Provincial Government responded by agreeing to phase it in over the next five years.

“Dr. Pascal’s report talked about the economic and social benefits of spending public money on quality early childhood programs,” says Jody Cameron, Chair of the Sudbury Catholic District School Board, “We agree with those findings completely and following the lead of the province, thought it was best for our students and our parents to implement full day junior kindergarten right away. Why wait for something that so clearly will help our children succeed?”

The programming will cost the Board $950,000 from its reserve fund. That cost also includes implementing nineteen Early Learning Program (ELP) classes in seven designated schools beginning September 2010.

“At the Sudbury Catholic District School Board, we believe you can’t put a price on the education and futures of our young people,” adds Director Catherine McCullough, “As Dr. Pascal said in his report — this is about more than traditional education — this is about turning schools into places that provide families with opportunities for children’s learning, care, health, culture, arts, and recreation. We agree completely and look forward to welcoming our new students and families into our full-day junior kindergarten programs in September 2010.”

Parents who are interested in registering their children for full-day JK in the Fall can do it now by calling the Board offices at: 673-5620.

For more information on the Early Learning Program please visit

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