Marymount Academy student Elizabeth Urso elected President of ECBC
Elizabeth Urso, a grade 11 student at Marymount Academy and student trustee for the Sudbury Catholic District School Board, attended the Annual General Meeting of the Ontario Student Trustees’ Association (OSTA). She was one of approximately sixty student trustees representing 1.9 million public and Catholic students in the province of Ontario. Several guest speakers spoke at this conference, including the Minister of Education, Kathleen Wynne.
During the executive council elections, Elizabeth was elected President of the English Catholic Board Council (ECBC). She is one of five voting members on OSTA’s executive council, and the first female president elected since the Board Council system was integrated into the OSTA’s constitution. This council works to represent the 1.9 million elementary and secondary students in the province of Ontario. The mission of OSTA is to improve education in consultation with the Ministry of Education, adult trustees, teachers, and stakeholders.
Elizabeth’s term as President of the English Catholic Board Council will commence August 1st, 2009. She will also continue to be the student trustee on the SCDSB for the 2009/2010 school year.
The Ontario Student Trustees Association will be moving into its tenth year in September, and hopes to continue to improve education for the 1.9 million students of Ontario.