St. James Idol a Hit with School Community

St. James Catholic School held its Idol competition recently. The event was viewed as major success as a large crowd of supporters (friends, parents, grand-parents, classmates, and teachers), came to watch the students perform.
The students were thrilled to see that Mayor John Rodriguez took the time out to come and be one of their judges. Mr. Rodriguez congratulated the ten finalists who competed saying that they demonstrated much courage and talent. Selecting a first place winner was difficult for the judges as all 10 participants were very talented singers.
The students and judges in the photo are – front row, L-R: Reese Babcock, Sheila Fyfe, Kurtis Desormeaux, Holly Horvath, Emma Campbell. Second row: Melissa Fairbairn, Maggie Campbell, Koralyssa Nisbet, Brooke St. Jacques, Adam Laframboise. Third row (adults – judges): Veronica Prowse, Don Hopkins and Mayor J. Rodriguez. Adam Laframboise was the first place winner, Brooke St. Jacques placed second and Koralyssa Nisbet, the third place winner composed the music and lyrics to her song.