Sudbury Catholic District School Board
January 16, 2008

A Wish for Jordan

Jordan Primeau, a Grade 1 student at St. James Catholic School in Lively will have his wish of a lifetime granted through the generosity of the Children’s Wish Foundation and the Sports Television Network, (TSN). Jordan and his family will travel by limousine to Toronto on Monday, January 21, 2008. On Tuesday, Jordan will have the opportunity to practise and play with his favourite hockey team – the Toronto Maple Leafs and will also attend a Maple Leaf hockey game on Wednesday, January 23 at the Air Canada Centre.

Since Junior Kindergarten, Jordan has bravely battled childhood leukemia and as a result of treatments is visually impaired. But whether he is 400 kilometres away at the Hospital for Sick Children or sitting in the classroom with his friends and classmates, Jordan is always in the hearts and minds of the school community.
St. James Catholic School students and staff keep Jordan in their daily prayers and have also undertaken a number of fundraisers for Jordan and his family to help offset the costs of accommodation and transportation to and from Toronto.

On Tuesday morning, James Duthie, a Reporter for TSN along with a camera crew from Toronto visited Jordan in his
Grade 1 class to give him the exciting news that “his dream to practise and play with the Toronto Maple Leafs had come true.” The interview along with Jordan’s story will be featured on national television (TSN) during the intermission and breaks of the Toronto Maple Leaf Game on January 23, 2008.

Students and staff at St. James School were asked to wear Maple Leaf attire to help celebrate Jordan’s surprise. Jordan’s parents, Dan and Shannon Primeau along with his younger brother Zachery were also on hand to share in the moment with him.

Jordan gives his mom a big hug upon hearing the great news.The Sudbury Catholic District School Board in conjunction with the students and staff at St. James Catholic School would like to thank the “Children’s Wish Foundation” and TSN for making a special wish come true for a very special little boy.

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