SCDSB Elects New Chair and Vice-Chair at Inaugural Meeting
The Sudbury Catholic District School Board elected its new chair and vice-chair at the inaugural meeting of the board held at the Catholic Education Centre on December 4, 2007.
George Middleton will assume the position of Chair of the Sudbury Catholic District School Board. Mr. Middleton is serving his sixth term as Trustee and has held the position of vice-chair on two previous occasions. Middleton “It is indeed a great pleasure to assume the position of Chair of the Sudbury Catholic District School Board,” stated Middleton. “Our successes as a Board are a tribute to the teamwork, cooperation and dedication of our students, parents, staff and partners in education. I look forward to continuing to build on these strong relationships and to working in concert with our partners in Catholic education to meet the challenges of the coming year.”
Paula Peroni is the Board’s new Vice-Chair having served previously as Chair of the Board from 1999 to 2001 and from 2004 to 2007. Mrs. Peroni is also the current vice-president of the Ontario Catholic School Trustees’ Association (OCSTA) and the first vice-president of the Canadian Catholic School Trustees’ Association (CCSTA). “I would like to thank my fellow colleagues and members of the board for placing their confidence in me and allowing me to take on the role as Vice-Chair,” stated Peroni. “I will continue to use the experience and insights I have obtained as a Trustee with this board over the last ten years to champion the cause of Catholic education, not only at the local level but at the provincial and national level as well.”