Sudbury Catholic District School Board
November 13, 2007

St. Benedict Science Teachers and Laurentian Students Represent Ontario at National Science Competition

St. Benedict Catholic Secondary School students were treated to edge-of-their-seat action and suspense at the Ontario Iron Science Competition which was held at Science North on November 3, 2007. Bearing signs and banners, St. Benedict students cheered on two of their own science teachers, Mr. Aaron Barry and Mr. Michael Sipos, who were competing againstt another local and two Southern Ontario teams for the Ontario championship title.

The Iron Science Competition is held across Canada with the intention of increasing the appeal of science and scientific experiments to students and the general public. The goal was undoubtedly met as the crowd which consisted of both students and adults responded to the scientific displays with incredible enthusiasm. Each ten minute presentation was based on the “secret ingredient” in the human body. The teams were judged by a panel of scientists, teachers, and local media.

St. Benedict Catholic School teachers, Mr. Barry and Mr. Sipos, teamed up with two graduate students from the Laurentian University/Science North Science Communications program, Lisa Lambert and Brandi Chuchman. Together, they formed the “Ferral Nerds” and solved the baffling mysteries of the human body. The sinuses were explained through the use of a “Booger Cannon” and the steps of the Digestive System were demonstrated with a larger-than-life working model. Their presentation impressed the crowd and judges alike, and their supporters were delighted with their scientific antics. After lengthy deliberation, the “Ferral Nerds” were crowned the champions of the Ontario Iron Science Competition for their unparalleled originality, delivery, entertainment value, overall knowledge of scientific principals and general “nerdiness.” St. Benedict Catholic Secondary School received a Smart Board as the top prize which will benefit all students in the science classrooms.

The “Ferral Nerds” will represent the province at the National Iron Science Competition in Calgary, Alberta on November 22, 2007. The entire event will be webcasted live at 12:00 p.m. local time from

The Sudbury Catholic District School Board would like to congratulate the “Ferral Nerds” on their excellent achievement in winning the Ontario Iron Science Competition and wish them the best of luck as they represent St. Benedict Catholic Secondary School, Laurentian University, and Ontario on the national stage.

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