Sudbury Catholic District School Board
October 18, 2007

St. Theresa Catholic School Students Fit for the Challenge

St. Theresa Catholic School is the winner of the Sudbury Catholic District School Board’s 2006-2007 Fitness Challenge. The goal of the program is to lower the resting and exercise heart rates of the Board’s students over the course of the school year. Staff and students in the Junior Division participated in this program under the supervision of Mr. John Tarini, Coordinator of the Fitness Challenge for the Sudbury Catholic District School Board.

The heart rates of the students were measured three times during the 2006-2007 school year. Throughout the year students participated in various activities such as intramural sports, outdoor exercises and the “School Fit Program” to improve their physical fitness. The school whose students displayed the “lowest average increase in heart rate” from the “resting to the exercise mode” was deemed the winner of the Fitness Challenge.

Students from St. Theresa Catholic School received a plaque and a small token of appreciation from Sudbury Catholic District School Board Vice-Chair, George Middleton during a recent board meeting for winning the Fitness Challenge.

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