St. John Catholic School Raises the Bar

Raise the Bar is an exciting new program designed to improve the quality of intramural programs in schools across Ontario. Supported by the Ministry of Health promotion, Raise the Bar offers students, regardless of previous experience or skill level the opportunity to become more engaged in the school community through sport and exercise. By their inclusive nature, intramurals provide St. John’s students with an even playing field allowing everyone the chance to play on a team and enjoy physical activities that are fun.
St. John Catholic School Grade 7 & 8 students have fun playing floor hockey as part of the schools’s Raise the Bar initiative – an intramural sports program which promotes Active,Healthy Kids! St. John Catholic School began the intramural season with floor hockey available to all grade 7 and 8 students. Currently, eight teams have signed up and participate every lunch and recess in the gymnasium. The school’s junior grades (grades 4, 5, and 6) will also have the opportunity to participate in Raise the Bar as their season is slated to begin in mid October.