St. Albert Students Intent on Making the Match to Mining

Students from the Sudbury Catholic District School Board’s St. Albert Adult Learning Centre had the opportunity to take in a “Making the Match to Mining” forum at the Council Chambers in Tom Davies Square in mid-January. The City of Greater Sudbury Community Development department in conjunction with the Economic Development Corporation hosted this information session to allow representatives from 6 different mining companies the opportunity to speak about entry level mining positions within their companies.
The focus of the mining presentations centred on several common themes such as; “Do these types of positions really exist, if they do, what skills are they looking for, what type of previous work experience would enable someone to confidently approach their company for an entry level position? What skills or experience would they advise someone to acquire so that they could be considered for entry level employment?”
The intent of the forum was to enlighten potential miners/students and surface workers on the proper qualifications for employment in the mining sector and to afford them the opportunity to learn what skills and education they need to acquire prior to being considered for hire.