Sudbury Catholic District School Board
August 31, 2006

SCDSB Proud Supporter of Efficient Sudbury Campaign

Sudbury Catholic District School Board Chair, Paula Peroni strongly endorses the City of Greater Sudbury’s pilot project to encourage energy conservation at the retail and consumer level. Efficient Sudbury, as the campaign has been named, will help to educate retailers and consumers about energy efficient products. The logo which will be seen in many retail establishments over the next year identifies energy efficient products as well as other goods that can assist in energy conservation activities.

“The Sudbury Catholic District School Board has been leading by example when it comes to energy conservation through the introduction of the Destination Conservation Program in 2001,” says the Board’s Energy Coordinator, Mark Gervais. Recognizing the need for energy conservation several years ago, the board embarked upon a program to make its buildings and schools more efficient with the installation of numerous retrofit projects such as water conservation devices and energy audits. Zandra Zubac, Director of Education for the Sudbury Catholic District School Board applauds the efforts of her students and staff with respect to energy conservation. “The Destination Conservation Program, now known as the Dearness Conservation program, is an innovative school-based program that enables our students, teachers, and school board staff to interact with utility companies to initiate environmental education and conservation activities,” stated Zubac. “In addition the program also helps to position this board as a leader in environmental education and underscores the City of Greater Sudbury’s desire to create a culture of conservation through its Efficient Sudbury Campaign.”

Energy conservation is crucial to ensuring a reliable electricity supply now and in the future. The less electricity Ontarians use in their homes and businesses, the fewer power plants will need to be constructed to meet demand. The energy sector, the economy and the environment will all benefit from initiatives to improve efficient electricity use.

The Efficient Sudbury campaign intends to develop and implement an innovative program to increase retailer and consumer awareness of products and services in the community that enhance energy conservation and promote efficiency. The program will aim to:

  • enhance the promotion, sales and marketing of energy efficient products and services in the marketplace;
  • build upon the awareness of nationally recognized programs such as Energy Star;
  • develop a co-ordinated, consistent marketing strategy across the retail sector, to build and sustain knowledge, interest and product desirability;
  • transform the existing marketplace for energy efficient products and services;
  • remove any barriers for consumers through a co-ordinated strategy;
  • motivate the public to follow through with energy efficient activities;
  • enhance uptake in energy-efficient products and services;
  • encourage a culture of conservation; and,
  • ultimately reduce demand for electricity.

This multifaceted campaign will use a variety of strategies to reach consumers. Information will be delivered through:

  • local retailers via in store promotion, messaging and displays;
  • EarthCare Sudbury network of 100 community partners;
  • media;
  • utility partners;
  • schools through the Destination Conservation school program and use of the Interactive Home Audit; and,
  • personal contact through the City’s Community Action Networks and with door-to-door home visits.

For more information on the City of Greater Sudbury’s Efficient Sudbury Campaign please visit their website at

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