SCDSB Elects New Chair and Vice-chair
The Sudbury Catholic District School Board elected a new chair and vice-chair at the regular meeting of the board held at the Catholic Education Centre on December 7, 2004. Paula Peroni, a longtime Trustee with the Board returns as Board Chair, a position she is no stranger to having been elected previously as Chair of the Board in 2000 and 2001. Mrs. Peroni brings a wealth of experience with her and is currently an executive member of the Ontario Catholic School Trustees’ Association (OCSTA) and the Canadian Catholic School Trustees’ Association (CCSTA). In returning to her former role, Peroni commented on the changes she has witnessed in education since she first became a Trustee and the Board’s reaction to these changes. “Our greatest challenge as a board is to help the Minister of Education understand the important issues in education today such as ongoing funding for transportation and special education,” stated Peroni. “The vision of this Board will be not only be to maintain but also to improve the excellent faith-based education for our students in the way of new Information Technology initiatives, ”concluded Peroni.
Barry MacDonald, elected last December as a Trustee with the Sudbury Catholic Board will assume the position of Vice-Chair. “I would like to thank the members of the board for placing their confidence in me in my new portfolio as Vice-Chair of the Sudbury Catholic District School Board,” stated MacDonald. “Being a new Trustee and new to the Board, I found this last year to be a very challenging one. I would like to thank our previous Chair, Ray Vincent for his excellent leadership and I am looking forward to working very closely with our new Chair, Paula Peroni, fellow Trustees, and Director of Education, Zandra Zubac in continuing to provide for the physical, spiritual, intellectual, cultural and moral growth of our children in our Catholic environment,” noted MacDonald.