Sudbury Catholic District School Board
June 26, 2003

“You Shall Be My Witness” Essay Contest Winner Announced

Sister Pat Carter (pictured left) , Vocation Director with The Sisters of St. Joseph of Sault Ste. Marie, visited Grade 6 classes across the North earlier in 2003 and challenged the students to become people of prayer and service. Sister Pat announced an essay and poster contest that invited students to draw upon their religious education program entitled “You Shall Be My Witness”, and reflect on who has been a good witness of the Gospel message to them. They were asked to write their reflections in an essay or create a poster to give specific examples of how this person was an effective witness of Jesus’ love. The winner for the Sudbury Catholic District School Board was Alex McGilles from St. Mark School in Markstay. Alex wrote about her special relationship with her grandmother Aileen Large, and her grandmother’s special relationship with God. Aileen Large is a teacher with the Sudbury Catholic District School Board. Congratulations Alex and Aileen!


My Witness to God

Have you ever felt like someone you know is an angel
that fell from heaven? Well I do and it’s my Nana Aileen. She is my witness
to God.

My Nana is my witness to God because she is a very
special person. She goes to church every Saturday and if she misses then
she goes on Sunday or Tuesday. My Nana always volunteers to do stuff for
our church, like when the Deacon asks our community to read for our church
my Nana always says “yes”. She willingly offers to make sandwiches whenever
there is a funeral. She also makes sure that there are severs at our church
to help the priest. She always asks me to participate and because of her
influence I serve at funerals and I help with children’s liturgy.

My Nana also takes care of my family and me. When my
best friend moved to Virginia my Nana was there to help me push back my
tears. She also helped my Dada (Grandpa) when he was sick with cancer.
She stayed with him every second of the day until he passed away. Also,
just this summer she came to my house to see my Papa when he was sick
with cancer and he also died. She comforted me by ensuring me that Papa
was at peace with God.

My nana goes to school and teaches kids about God.
She teaches five times a week for one hundred ninety days and she never
complains around the children. At school three times a day she prays.
She prays for kids and their families who do not have a house to go to.
She also prays for the sick and for the deceased. She even prays for my
family that we may live for eternal life in heaven.

I feel that I will always be able to look towards my
Nana for spiritual guidance and I pray to God to look after her.

Alex McGilles
St. Mark School, Markstay

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