SCDSB Announces Decision on International Trips For Students
With respect to escalating political unrest in the Middle East and its possible effects on the international scene, Trustees for the Sudbury Catholic District School Board passed a motion Tuesday night outlining in detail the Board’s position on this matter. Ray Vincent, Chair of the Sudbury Catholic Board stated that, “The Sudbury Catholic District School Board will allow the international student excursions to proceed in March 2003 but some conditions have to be met. Parents and participants who choose not to sign the waiver and withdraw from the trip will be reimbursed the amount prepaid to the traveling agency. For those participants who sign waivers, the planned trip will remain, however, the Board reserves the right to cancel the trip at any time prior to departure if international events so warrant it. Parents must decide to withdraw from the trip or sign a waiver to remain on the trip by February 27, 2003.”
Vincent went on to say that the Board’s decision was made from a moral standpoint in that, “there is a possible risk to the students who are going abroad and placing students in potential danger is not acceptable to this Board.”